Itrans Slider For Elementor

Duis dapibus vitae nulla id auctor. Suspendisse facilisis, turpis in faucibus placerat, eros leo ullamcorper libero.  

Finibus malesuada risus eu

Duis aliquet mi vitae sapien faucibus rutrum. Aliquam ornare ipsum vitae felis viverra gravida. Quisque aliquet.

Phasellus in justo ut diam

Condimentum pellentesque. Cras maximus a dui ac viverra. Aliquam ullamcorper feugiat faucibus. Morbi porttitor ante.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Consectetur adipiscing elit. In at fermentum tellus. Donec non sem in erat consequat tempor eget ut odio.

Itrans Elementor Slider

Create simple sliders with “Itrans Elementor Slider”. It comes with plugin “TemplatesNext Toolkit” and can be used with any of our WordPress theme. To create a slider follow the step bellow.

Step 1. Create Slides

Go to menu “Itrans Slider” > “Add New” and create slides with

  1. “Title”, title of your slide. (optional).
  2. “Content”, a little description on the slide (optional).
  3. “Slide Button Text” (optional).
  4. “Slide Link URL” (optional as well).
  5. “Slide Image”, Add the image for the slide.
  6. Add category, categories are used for multiple slider.

Save your slide and repeat the step to create more slide.

Step 2. Add A Page

Go to menu “Pages” > “Add New” and create new page

  1. “Hide Title Bar” to hide the default page title bar..
  2. “Turn ON Transparent Header” (Optional),
    Turn the floating transparent page header ON.
    You can do this step later after the slider is added, since the floating header will be over the empty Elementor section.
  3. Select template “TX Full Width”.

Save your page and press the “Edit With Elementor” button.

Step 3. Drag & Drop The Slider

Drag & Drop the widget “Slider” from block “TemplatesNext Addons”. Customize the slider according to your requirement.

Note :
If you can not access the section because of floating header over it, give the section a “Minimum Height”.

By default the columns in elementor sections have a minimum padding. To remove the gaps around the slider, set the column padding around it to 0.

If you use section shape divider, use the option “Bring to Front” ON.

You can download this page as Elementor template from here.


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